
These are bastards - a theatrical performance

The story of one of the most successful Slovenian films of all time, directed by Tijana Zinajić, is also staged in the theater, produced by the Šodr Theater in collaboration with the Šentjakob Theater. In the spirit of the film, the characters of five boys come to life before us, who are called...

Important information
Ljudski dom Šentvid, Prušnikova 99, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

The story of one of the most successful Slovenian films of all time, directed by Tijana Zinajić, is also staged in the theater, produced by the Šodr Theater in collaboration with the Šentjakob Theater. In the spirit of the film, the characters of five boys, who are called bastards because of their pranks, come to life again. Together with them, we will laugh at their good housekeeper Roza, father Štebet, young Mera and everyone else who lives in an apartment building somewhere in Ljubljana at the end of the 70s of the last century. The comedy takes us nostalgically to the time of socialism, healthy neighborly relations, brotherhood, love, ficus trees, flags and youthful playfulness.


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