
These are not compliments: the worst phrases you say to your partner without even realizing it!

Words of praise can really change things for the better in love. However, there are also those phrases that you address to your partner without thinking, perhaps not knowing that you are actually destroying the foundation of your relationship with them.

To make matters even more complicated, these are not derogatory terms, nor classic condemnations, criticisms, etc., but apparent "compliments". All these supposed praises they create too much pressure on your partner and lead to relationship problems. The sentences that you should pay attention to are presented to you in the following lines.

"I don't know what I would do without you."

If you want to make the person you love feel good, you should never say these words to them. They don't skyrocket her value, but at most lower yours. When she hears these words, she can change her image of you, and you definitely don't want her to look at you with eyes full of pity, because you are powerless without her.

"You are my whole world."

This sentence is very dangerous, especially if it is a relationship that has just started. Being too attached to someone is an unhealthy relationship, no matter how much love is involved in the story. Telling someone that your whole world is yours can be too much of a burden to put on them unnecessarily.

"You are my whole world."

"You saved my life."

Even if before the person you are with now, you were in a bad marriage or relationship without love and respect, you saved yourself - by ending such a relationship. Your current partner has nothing to do with it, even if he entered your life just when you thought your world was falling apart. With this phrase, you put him in a dangerous position of superiority over you.

"You perfect me."

The whole story of finding the other half in order to be "whole" is so toxic that it should be deleted from the world's vocabulary. If you say that someone is your other half or perfects you, it means that you consider yourself half-hearted and incomplete, which is far from the truth.

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