
These are obvious signs that you haven't gotten over it yet!

It's really hard to start over when you end a relationship with someone you really loved. You are grieving, but you convince those around you that you are fine and that you have already gotten over it. These actions of yours prove that the story is still not over for you.

It is very difficult get over it someone you are appreciated and loved. If you claim to be a person got over it, look at the signs below that show you whether you have started a new chapter in life or you're still clinging on of the past.

Signs that you haven't gotten over your ex:

You follow him on social networks.

Social networks have become a place where people pursue their targets. Pursuit his every move online is a clear sign that you still love him. Maybe your feelings aren't as strong anymore, but you obviously care. If you visit his social media profile a few times a year, you're just curious, but if you check what he does every day, he clearly moves you, that you are not in his life. Ask yourself, what do you get out of pursuing?

You doubt your beauty and worth.

Doubt your beauty and worth.
Doubt your beauty and worth.

Believe me, it will happen countless times that you will be yourself appearance associated with reason, why did he leave you – this strain points to two major problems. She is the first related to your self-esteem, which will only get worse over time. The second is related to the fact that you will have to change yours belief, that only external beauty counts. Remember: external beauty is transitory, the inner one is eternal.

You think about the past with him.

Because they are yours thoughts occupied with him, you always remember all the moments you shared together. Although you may have, when you were together, they didn't seem magical, now that they are separated from each other, you glorify, you idealize and constantly you spin in your head. Will that change the fact that they are just acquaintances now?

You go on a date with any man who asks you out.

You go on a date with any man who asks you out.
You go on a date with any man who asks you out.

To prevent and reduce pain, which you feel, you try to turn her thoughts to other men – but the question is whether this is the right solution and the way in which you will really forget about him.

You compare every man to your ex.

Divorce takes its toll, so don't be surprised if you do idealized the ex .In every other person you meet, you are looking for the qualities of your ex, but you are well aware that you would probably always be now together, if he really was as perfect as your brain thinks he is.

You hope.

You compare every man to your ex.
You compare every man to your ex.

Desperate you hope, that will be ex once announced, realized your worth and se returned back to your embrace.

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