
These are proven to be the most effective forms of learning

Proven effective ways of learning.

Elementary school and high school students have already returned to school, and students are still waiting for the new academic year. This means that sooner or later everyone will have to dig back into their books and start studying. Although learning is not something that anyone should be overly excited about, it can be much more bearable if we know how to do it in the right or intelligent way. But what are these ways? The scientifically proven most effective forms of learning are revealed below.

Learning has already become part of everyday life elementary school and high school students, and soon students will also fall into this process again. Learning is the, for the vast majority, rather arduous path to newly acquired knowledge, which is, unfortunately, unavoidable during schooling. It is no wonder that most of them want to learn more intelligent and not longer.

READ MORE: Bizarre photos of children on the first day of school

Are you learning effectively?
Are you learning effectively?

Well, it's learning that we spread on 30-minute "learning sessions" in a few weeks really more effectively than 10 hours of continuous learning? Are visual cards ("flash cards") really more effective than underlining and endless reading of notes? You can find the answers to this in the educational video, where you also find out what all the others are scientifically proven to be the most effective forms of learning.

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