
These are signs that you are insecure and have an inferiority complex

Photo: envato

There are hidden signs that can betray you, especially if someone is a good judge of people. You will be surprised to read what behaviors indicate that you are insecure and have an inferiority complex.

Do you know someone who can't stop bragging about the size of their bank account, the depth of their partner's love, or their career? They may act like they have it all, but in reality they are very insecure.

Here are the secret signs that you are insecure.

You consciously dominate your sexuality

Your desire to sleep with someone soon after meeting them may have more to do with insecurity than libido. Some insecure people trade on their sexuality. They think that by offering sex, people will want them more. By creating this desire, they feel liked and accepted, which reduces their insecurities.

For someone who is insecure, it can be a form of hiding. If you don't spend time outside the bedroom talking or sharing experiences, you don't have to worry about being rejected for who you really are.

You persistently please other people

Are you always on the back foot and never standing up for your interests? If you always let someone else decide where to eat and what movie to watch, it's a sign that you're insecure. And maybe it doesn't seem like a big deal to you until you're deciding, say, whether you're going to have kids or not, whether you're going to buy a house or not, and so on.

Turn your insecurity into an advantage! Photo: Alexey Turenkov/Unsplash

Insecure people follow the crowd instead of standing their ground, they don't feel strong enough to say what they think. Learn to set healthy boundaries.

You are arrogant and act like you know everything

You are arrogant and act like you are better than everyone. You also have panic inside, because you are afraid that someone will expose you. Your arrogant demeanor is a cover-up designed to protect your ego and sense of self-worth. In other words, you're insecure and you're doing everything you can to hide it from the world.

You cannot maintain eye contact

Eye contact is a form of non-verbal communication that allows people to intuitively connect and understand. Insecure people sometimes have trouble making and maintaining eye contact because they fear the transparency that this kind of intimacy can create.

Research shows that in other people's eyes we can read not only basic emotions such as happiness or sadness, but also more than 50 different mental states such as excitement or boredom.

Use everyday objects as a kind of armor

Maybe at a party with friends, you go to the sofa and hold the pillow on you? If so, you're hiding insecurities about your body, your mind, or all of the above. People who lack self-confidence may feel more comfortable denying others access to their body (eyes, mouth, throat, upper chest and palms).

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