
These are signs that your partner is going through a midlife crisis

Photo: imdb / Warner Bros

Almost 25 percent of people experience a midlife crisis caused by aging, a lack of achievement in life, and problems or regrets from the past. Watching your partner deal with a midlife crisis can be really difficult, so learn to recognize the signs, as well as what you can do to help your partner. Read what the experts say about it in the article below.

1. Decreased level of happiness and satisfaction with life

People embark on a life full of excitement and energy, and as they enter middle age, many find that their level of life satisfaction is at an all-time low. Scientists say that the path of happiness has v life a U shape – and the moment when it is at its lowest point is a sign of a midlife crisis. The good news is that joy and life satisfaction are increasing again after this crisis.

2. Behavioral changes

All psychological crises are characterized by the fact that they lead to changes in behavior and habits. The person may then change their sleeping routine, start taking less care about personal hygiene, or simply change their diet. Sometimes these changes are sudden and obvious, so for example there is a stereotype that men in midlife crisis start buying luxury items like expensive cars and motorbikes and the like.

3. A feeling of emptiness

Another sign that your partner is having a midlife crisis is when he thinks that his life lacks excitement and that his life has no meaning. Thinking about the inevitable aging he faces may lead him to conclude that this is now his last chance to do something cool and crazy to make life worth remembering. For some, it can lead to various dangerous and harmful behaviors, while for others, it can mean an opportunity to realize a lifelong dream.

4. Questioning your own beliefs

Both women and men tend to doubt themselves life decisions. A person who suddenly seemed happily married or unmarried can file for divorce. Or someone who has enjoyed life in the countryside may decide to move to a big city. If your your partner starts to change your life values and attitudes, please be patient. This may just be a phase, and perhaps with the help of this crisis in which he finds himself, he will be able to better understand himself and live more consciously.


5. An intense feeling of nostalgia

Life in the forties has acquired a more or less permanent shape and direction, so at this age people can begin to feel nostalgia for the past. From the cool toys and things you had as a teenager to the time when you had less responsibility and more freedom. Even during a midlife crisis, a person can get "stuck" in the idea that the past was better than the present.

6. Constant comparison with others

People can begin to compare their lives with other people's lives, and usually the result of the comparison is not in their favor. Suddenly it seems they are everyone around them happier, richer, have better careers. If you have noticed that your partner has started counting his failures in life, it is time to try to get him to think about all the good things he has achieved and done.

What you can do to help

A midlife crisis is different from depression because it goes away on its own over time. So be with your partner patient and try approaches, that can help him get through this crisis period:

  • Listen to your partner without judgment and criticism and strive for healthy and high-quality communication.
  • Give him time and space to deal with his feelings.
  • Commit to your own interests. The period when your partner is going through a midlife crisis can be depressing for you too, so it's a good time to focus a little more on yourself.
  • Consider seeking therapeutic counseling, as such counseling can be very helpful.

An emotional crisis also has positive sides

Although it is a difficult period, such a crisis also has one positive side. A little self-analysis, questioning and curiosity about who he really is is can be positive and helps a person learn more about themselves and lead a more aware and fulfilling life.

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