
These are the 10+ most attractive women's names that make men pay attention

Female names that men find particularly attractive

Some names sound more attractive than others and bring a completely different energy. This can also be called the vibration of the name. In the research, scientists determine which names are the ones that are really attractive to the male gender in the eyes of men! Is yours among them?

Are we more attracted to people with sexy names? Maybe - but what makes a name more seductive? Interactive website Baby Name Wizard delved into its database of thousands of names and polled US users on which names they find sexiest for an exclusive report. Are you ready for results?

"Language and the sound of the language are important - which languages have the most attractive names?"

So these are the names of women that men find most attractive!

You won't be surprised at all when you find out which language names are considered the sexiest. "For girls, French is number one, followed by Italian," says the founder of Baby Name Wizard - Laura Wattenberg.

1. Scarlett


The legendary Scarlett O'Hara from the movie Gone With the Wind had this name for a reason. This deep red color is all about passion.

3. Nicolette


The name Nicole is sexy in itself, but add that French suffix -ette and the name becomes out of control. That being said, does anyone else think of “Nicorette” when they see that name?

4. Natalia


A name that sounds like the name of an extremely flexible Russian gymnast.

5. Anaïs

This name has irresistible power, not least because it belongs to a French erotic writer Anaïs Nin.

6. Paulina

Between models Paulina Gretzky and Paulina Porizkova, we definitely get what gives this name a special passion.

7. Alessandra

She sounds like the rich heroine of a romance novel. Or a descendant of the Russian emperor!

8. Chanel:


A luxury brand created by one of the most liberated, powerful and interesting women of the 20th century.

9. Adrianna

A name that with one "n" also appears in Slovenia and creates a true Slavic melos.

10. Giuliana

"Juliana" seems much more innocent than "Giuliana" - but why is that?!

Maybe your name is not in the top 10, but these names are among the more attractive:

Cassandra, Leila, Simone, Daniella, Dominique, Monique, Yesenia, Roxanne, Natasha, Angelique

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