
These are the 20+ dumbest things Donald Trump has done in 4 years

We have completely forgotten some of them!

Photo: Jules Suzdaltsev on Twitter 

President Donald Trump has become one of the most controversial presidents in US history. He is the first American president to experience two constitutional impeachments and one of 11 presidents to date who failed to win re-election.

Regardless of what will happen with the American president these days Donald Trump (what will be the result of the constitutional impeachment), his time in office is coming to an end. To sum up his tenure, he is Jules Suzdaltsev on Twitter invited people to take a moment to remember some "the weirdest and stupidest" things Trump has done in his tenure. From throwing paper towels into the crowd after a devastating hurricane to saluting a North Korean general: Suzdaltsev has compiled an elaborate list of "accomplishments".

So let's take a look and remember what the outgoing American president, Donald Trump, "spoiled".

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