Photo: Alora Griffiths/Unsplash

These are the 5 hungriest astrological signs. Are you among them?

We all probably look forward to a good meal, but these five astrological signs are constantly thinking about the next fine food they'll put in their mouths.

There are few things that are not tasty to them, and they also love to cook for themselves. There are mostly no leftovers on the plate.


He loves snacks

Although people born under the sign of Libra try to find order and routine in meals, they do not stick to it. Sometimes they have two breakfasts, but often they have to "snack" before lunch. Libras love snacks and indulge in them often – no matter what time it is (read: midnight).


Even before entering the restaurant, he knows what he is going to eat

Taurus is definitely one of the hungriest astrological signs. He checks the menu at home, online, so he knows what he's going to eat even before entering the restaurant. He loves to try and cook new dishes. He is disappointed if he orders a dish and it is not tasty. But he will still try to eat everything because "it is a sin to throw away food."



Gourmets who love fancy food

People born under the sign of Leo are true gourmets and love good and selected dishes. Leos don't like fast food, they long for real culinary experiences. They often pay attention to the interior of the restaurant they are eating in, the staff and the chef. They love "fashionable" food and like to introduce it to their friends.


They eat anything edible

Aries likes adventures - including gourmet ones. They are open to everything new and enjoy visiting unusual restaurants. Aries are brave and often eat exotic foods. They like to experiment in their kitchen and they like to cook with friends.


Food makes them happy

Fish often eat to feel good. They love almost all food, they often eat dishes from other cultures as well. However, fish are also known for emotional eating, so they often eat when they are frustrated or sad. After all, food is one way to improve your mood.


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