
These are the 5 dirtiest things you touch every day without even realizing it

The first dirtiest thing that comes to mind is probably not even in the top 5. A microbiology professor reveals what you should pay attention to every day.

"Everyone is afraid of fecal-borne diseases, but toilet seats are by far the cleanest thing in our bathroom because we clean them the most," he says dr. Charles Gerba, professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona. If you're wondering which are the most used everyday items that are also the dirtiest, allow us to enlighten you.

A towel hanging by the sink

Wet towels are ideal for breeding bacteria.
Wet towels are ideal for breeding bacteria.

"Bacteria like to breed in wet, humid places," says Gerba. Towels are made to absorb water, which is good for drying our skin, but not so good when it comes to bacteria. "Most people don't wash their hands properly," adds Gerba. When we grab a towel, rub the remaining bacteria into an ideal environment for reproduction – and most people change or wash their towels once or twice a week. In his opinion, all towels should be wash after two days of use.

Containers where we keep toothbrushes

Coliform bacteria also live on and in the containers where toothbrushes are kept.
Coliform bacteria also live on and in the containers where toothbrushes are kept.

"People almost never wash them," says Gerba. According to a report by a health organization NSF International it is from 2011 27 percent of toothbrush cups or containers harbor coliform bacteria - families of microorganisms that cause various diseases, including salmonella.

Sponge for washing dishes

The dishwashing sponge is probably the dirtiest thing in our home.
The dishwashing sponge is probably the dirtiest thing in our home.

It's a dishwashing sponge probably the dirtiest thing in our home. "It is probably home to millions of bacteria," says Gerba. NSF International agrees. Scientists have found that 75 percent of dish sponges contains coliform bacteria. Therefore, it is better to use tools that can be washed in the dishwasher and disinfected to clean the dishes. The same should also apply to cutting boards. "Most people just rinse or wipe them off," adds Gerba. But washing them in the dishwasher – or with detergent – will clean them thoroughly.

Mobile phone

A mobile phone is a paradise for germs.
A mobile phone is a paradise for germs.

Gerba says it's a cell phone a paradise for microbes. Research has shown that it is one in six phones contaminated with fecal matter. Therefore, it is recommended to wipe it with a cloth and disinfectant to clean it completely.

Trolleys in shops / shopping centres

Shopping carts in stores are also very dirty.
Shopping carts in stores are also very dirty.

"Almost 100 percent of carts are home to E.coli, because people are constantly touching the cart after touching raw foods," explains Gerba. He has the same opinion for reusable bags - these should also be quite dirty, because we rarely or never wash them.

This list could be supplemented by dozens of items that we use every day: wallets, purses, car keys, keyboards, etc. Don't worry, you don't need to immediately go to the store and get chemicals that will clean and disinfect every thing in the apartment. Most of them are probably not effective at all, and at the same time they contain several substances that can be harmful to our health. Instead, you better get used to it disinfect your hands every time you leave a public place. Gerba says most people pick up germs outside their home. By washing our hands regularly, we will probably reduce the possibility of "picking something up" by half, adds Gerba.

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