
These are the biggest culinary trends that will mark the year 2020


What are the biggest culinary trends for 2020 that will dominate culinary creations?

New year, new trends. Which ones will they be the biggest culinary trends that will mark the year 2020? What will be most desirable on the table in 2020? What do social networks and the millions of people around the world who follow them predict? Which new ingredients will dominate this year's culinary creations? What will gourmets look for on store shelves and in restaurants? And what will restaurants have to put on their menus to keep up with the latest fashion trends?

These are the trends predicted for the new decade.

The biggest culinary trends that will mark the year 2020



Kombucha and other forms of fermented tea have become popular in the health food world a few years ago. Kombucha, this "elixir of life" or "tea of immortality", as it is also called, originates from an old Chinese tradition; even then, 2000 years ago, it was a popular folk remedy for a whole range of health problems. Kombucha does contain only a small amount of alcohol, which is produced during fermentation, but this year the version with slightly more alcohol is expected to be the most popular. In addition to the content of a whole range of vitamins (C, B, B1, B2, B3, B5, B12...) and other beneficial ingredients (amino acids, enzymes, minerals...), in 2020 a bottle of kombucha will also replace a bottle of beer.


Callin organic wine (Photo: callin.si)
Callin organic wine (Photo: callin.si)

In the last few years, organic wines have become more and more popular in Europe. For their production, as with organic food, grapes grown without the use of pesticides, in perfect harmony with nature, are needed. These lively wines surprise connoisseurs with their unique taste, which changes from the beginning of production to consumption precisely because of the absence of additives. 2020 will therefore be a year that will only further elevate the culture of drinking biodynamic, orange and organic living wines.


 Bitchy Club
Bitchy Club

The trend of drinks with a lower alcohol content has also reached Slovenia. Research shows that, in the desire for a healthier lifestyle, young people increasingly prefer soft drinks or drinks with a low alcohol content. Non-alcoholic cocktails, non-alcoholic beers, wines and reduced-alcohol beers are a new niche for beverage manufacturers. And they recognized this niche here as well - Pelicon Brewery offers Relax beer, which contains only 2.8 percent alcohol, Bitchy Club and rosé with added water and carbon dioxide comes in a convenient format - pink cans.


Zero waste shop Rifuzl
Zero waste shop Rifuzl

In 2020, eco and bio content will also receive eco and bio packaging. Plastic is a thing of the past, but the future is crowned by environmentally friendly, minimalist packaging made from biodegradable and non-invasive materials. Plastic straws are a thing of the past, and this year they will also be in fashion in shops where it will be possible to buy without packaging. Last year, Slovenia also got its first zero-waste store - Rifuzl in Ljubljana. By 2021, in accordance with the directive of the European Parliament, plastic straws, plastic utensils and plates, as well as some other single-use plastic products, will have to be removed from store shelves.



Italian cuisine is a modern classic. Lasagna, pasta, gnocchi and pizza are an eternal trend, as they offer countless possible combinations of ingredients, sauces, fillings... The latest in the line of trendy Italian delicacies is pinsa. This century-old cooking method from Rome is slowly conquering the world. Pinsa is similar to pizza, but is said to be much healthier due to the process of preparing the dough. The dough for pinso is prepared from different types of flour, it contains more water and less salt, and in special conditions it ripens for at least 48 hours. Such dough should be less caloric, easier to digest, light, crispy and healthier. The dough, which will leave you "light", is also an excellent base for various accessories.

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