A strong woman never gives up on herself, even when her whole world collapses. Even when her heart is heavy and her problems are relentless. He still keeps the faith that you have one more chance and a thousand more possibilities. He keeps going no matter what.
She always found herself alone. She found herself in situations where she had to defend herself and fight against many things herself. Through difficult times, she learned that people can be there for her, but in the end, she really only has herself and she will never give up on herself.
A strong woman has no other choice. She learned how to quickly bounce back from things that push her down. She realized that life goes on even after pain and losses. She knows that she must never give up and that she must be ready for random changes in her life.
A strong woman takes care of herself. Don't let yourself wallow in self-pity. He doesn't dwell on his mistakes and doesn't indulge in toxic and self-destructive behavior. She learned just the opposite, every time she was faced with a new challenge or pain or heartbreak, she bounced back.
She found ways to to love and take care of yourself even more. It turns all negative energy into something productive. She knows that these are tools for her growth and she won't let anything get in the way of that.
No matter what she goes through, she will be a strong woman always available for your loved ones. She'll take care of herself, and she'll still get all her work done.
She laughed because she learned that all dark times eventually pass, that a broken heart eventually heals, and that confusion eventually turns to clarity.
All questions eventually get answered and little by little life gets better. The sun shines again, things change, new beginnings restore her faith in life. And sometimes life even surprises her with something wonderful, even better than what she hoped for.
A strong woman never gives up on herself, because she knows that everything else will come and go, but the only constant in her life is her. She is its pillar.
A strong woman builds herself up, so that even if she collapses under pressure, she knows how to build herself up again.