
These are the key fatal mistakes you must not make at the beginning of a relationship

Watch what you do, because it can mark you

Photo: Parker Whitson - Unsplash

Slow down if you can, because some actions your loved one will not forgive you for. Because of them, infatuation will also die out.

Even if every person in love wants to have a love by their side, who will attentive, of trust worth and romantic, sometimes it's much better to hold back and gradually you discover your feelings and don't exaggerate your concern.
The RIGHT time will come for everything, so don't rush into actions, which can leave a negative impression on you, because it can happen that you are left without your better half.

Fatal mistakes you mustn't make at the beginning of a relationship...

they openly show their emotions.
Falling in love is a beautiful feeling that puts rose-colored glasses on lovers that make them lose their minds. However, even for beautiful things there is a RIGHT TIME. By showing love, you can achieve a negative effect on the person you like. You can push her away because what you feel at the beginning of a relationship is infatuation, not love. The wording about your partner being your soulmate is something you'll have to wait for. Think about your emotions.

Think about your emotions.
Think about your emotions.

they give out too much information.
Keep intimate stories about you and your family, events or ticklish situations to yourself until you are sure that your relationship is strong enough. Respect your own privacy and that of others.

they correspond too much.
Although the beginning of a relationship is an extremely exciting time, be careful because excessive calling and texting can become quite stressful for the other person. It's also embarrassing if you're constantly spending time together. Breathe, everyone has their own life!

From the beginning of the relationship, they MUST work on mutual trust...
You MUST work on mutual trust from the beginning of the relationship...

… make BIG promises to each other.
The wording that you will NEVER hurt your partner because you wouldn't do such a thing is nonsense. That way, if you do exactly what you said you would never do, you will disappoint the person. Show what kind of person you really are with your actions, so don't overdo it with words.

… they are jealous.
From the beginning of the relationship, they MUST work on mutual trust, which is one of the most important factors for a successful relationship. Jealousy is never healthy and can have devastating consequences.

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