
These are the mobile phones of our youth - and admit it, you miss them!

How old were you when you got your first cell phone? In this article, in the light of the return of the Nokia 3310, we will remember the popular mobile phones that we were obsessed with at the beginning of the millennium, when they became commercially available. Have you also started with Reglja?

The new Nokia 3310 she reminded us of the times when we only used mobile phones to make calls, so we took a two-decade trip back in time to see which mobile phones were popular at a time when smartphones were unheard of.

READ MORE: MWC 2017: the new Nokia 3310 - with a modern skin and a snake!

What was your first mobile phone? How old were you when you got/bought it? When did you switch to smart? These are the phones we loved, but time ran over them. Or is it?

Image gallery: check if your favorite phone is among the selected ones

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