
These are the most annoying posts on Facebook

Annoying Facebook posts

Can you guess what the most annoying Facebook posts are? Photos of small children? Political "failures"? Food photos? Maybe selfies? All of these rank highly, but the most annoying type of post according to Facebook users is…

Facebook posts that raise our pressure.
Facebook posts that raise our pressure.

Which ones are the most annoying posts on facebook? Maybe posts about the weather changing, RIP-posts about celebrities, a flood of selfies, posts about children's achievements, how bad someone's day is, political "outbursts"? All listed to many raises the pressure, but none of these posts are as annoying as posts about personal problems. At least that's the opinion of 10,000 respondents who were asked about it by the website Rantic.com.

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What 62 percent of men and 67 percent of women chose "crying" on Facebook as more annoying than selfies, food photos, political "brainstorming" and baby photos. In addition, users were asked how often they viewed photos of your exes or photos of your crush, how often photos of someone they dislike, how many of their Facebook friends are their actual friends, and how long their Facebook "post" might last. The results of the survey are disclosed below.

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