
These are the most common reasons and excuses for refusing sex

Photo: @alinabuzunova / Twenty20

I don't feel like it. My head hurts. I'm so tired. If we want to, we can have endless reasons why we shouldn't have sex, don't you agree?

Sometimes we are not in the mood to be intimate because we are too tired, not feeling well, or have a busy schedule.

In most cases, men and women have the same reasons for not having sex, according to a study of 1,000 men and women.

What were their reasons. Let's see.

"No way, I'm very tired, I'm not functioning."

38% men and as many as 54 % women cite this as the most common reason for refusing intimacy. When they are tired, their first priority is rest and sleep.

"I've had a terrible day and I'd like to rest."

Stress destroys libido in 30% men. They just want everyone to leave them alone, to be alone and to relax if possible. In women, this reason occurs in 22% cases.

"I don't feel well, I think I'm going to get sick."

This reason occurs in 20% males, but is equally common in females. No one wants to be intimate when they are sick and have a fever.

"I can't turn off my brain, I'm distracted."

This happens only during intercourse. 17% men and 22% women cite this reason for premature termination of an intimate relationship.

I'm not, I can tomorrow. Photo: We Vibe Toys / Unsplash

"Maybe I should just pet myself a little."

17% men and 21% women sometimes have a desire for physical intimacy and a sense of security, but not for sex.

"My head hurts a lot."

Headache is the reason for refusing intimacy in 18% women and 14% men.

"I have an important meeting tomorrow and I need to get ready."

Men more often cite concern about work as a reason for refusing sex, as much as in 13%, women only in 4%.

"The children will hear us."

7% of men and 4% of women lose their desire because of worrying about the children waking up.

"We had sex yesterday"

7% men and women believe that yesterday's sex should meet the needs of the next few days.

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