
These are the most unusual chairs in the world

The most bounced chairs in the world

Chairs are an important piece of furniture in every room and a place where we spend (too) much of the day these days. But in addition to their work function, they are also in the service of aesthetics. This time, therefore, we are not presenting you with the most comfortable and ergonomic chairs on the market, but with the most unusual chairs in the world, which capture attention with their striking design.

When it comes to design, it's not always about comfort. Just look at women's shoes. But they seem to be going too unusualness and comfort hand in hand, at least judging by the design the most unusual chairs in the world, which, despite their difference, do not abandon their original purpose, i.e. to provide a comfortable position for a person.

READ MORE: Chair with desk PersonLloyd sixE – Swiss army knife among office chairs

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