
These are the most beautiful aircrew uniforms

Which flight attendant is best dressed?

Haute couture is also present high above the clouds. Wondering which 10 airlines have the best uniforms in the world? Even earlier, it should be emphasized that the fashion of cabin crew, i.e. flight attendants, flight attendants, pilots and co-pilots, is probably the only fashion category where the cuts are eternal or not run over by time. The best aircrew uniforms are therefore a mix of retro and modern style. Some cuts stand out so much from the average that you'll wonder if you've stepped into a fashion show or a plane.

Are you wondering which 10 airlines it has best dressed staff on planes? In the following, we will present to you the most beautiful uniforms that adorn the flight personnel and turn them into real ones mannequin(s) above the clouds, but instead of catwalks, they walk down the aisles of the plane. A real feast for the eyes.

READ MORE: Stewardess fashion over time - a flight through the history of uniforms

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