
These are the years in which really special people are born: they are accompanied by unusual and strong karma!

They have a special destiny and an important karmic task!

If you are born in the following years and time periods, according to Vedic astrology you have Keta (South Node of the Moon) in the sign of Pisces and Rahu (North Node of the Moon) in the sign of Virgo. The North Node, also called the Dragon's Head, represents the future, the point of gain, while the South Node - the Dragon's Tail - represents the past, the line of least resistance when we act instinctively.

December 16, 1959 – October 6, 1961
5 July 1978 – 12 January 1980
26 January 1997 – 19 October 1998
10 November 2015 – 09 May 2017

Such a position in the birth chart shows what your karma is, the path of destiny and your karmic goal.

The karmic goal of these people is:

  • helping people through compassion and practical action;
  • to help people improve their health and adopt healthy lifestyle habits.

What are your karmic quirks – what makes you special:

  • compassion, sensitivity, empathy;
  • improved intuition;
  • creative solutions;
  • spirituality.

People born in the above mentioned years are said to be unable to achieve their good destiny and karma if they do the following:

  • living in an illusion;
  • self-pity;
  • fear of life;
  • fear of change;
  • lost faith in people;
  • giving up your ideals.

The most success awaits them if:

  • they begin to think critically, listen only to their own mind;
  • they help people in health, development and mental strength;
  • they don't help everyone, but only people who need help and people who ask for it;
  • they are guided by common sense and logic;
  • they learn from mistakes and admit them.
A special destiny follows you and you have an important karmic task!

These people usually live a quiet, solitary life and are committed to gaining spiritual experiences and do not look too much at the material world. They sympathize with the plight of other people, and their goal is to help and comfort. The main disadvantage is that they often put the needs of others before their own and are mostly emotionally dependent on others.

The most common professions of these people are doctor, nurse, alternative healer, psychologist.

Potential karmic partners:

  • people who are going through various sufferings and have walked the path of healing with them;
  • people who are too self-critical;
  • people who look like them, born in the same year and have the same mission.

The main dilemmas of karma:

  • realize that illusions and emotions prevent you from making the right decisions;
  • learn which people need help and which are energy vampires just taking advantage of your goodness.

How to get rid of painful karma from a previous life:

  • learn to think consciously;
  • live in the present moment;
  • believe the facts;
  • learn to say NO;
  • first of all, learn to appreciate yourself and your life.

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