
These are the years when you enjoy sex the most

Photo: Daria Shevtsova / Pexels

Are you interested in which age we enjoy intimate relationships the most?! Various researches have answered when we feel the best in sex!

What has research shown about when we enjoy sex the most?

Research has shown: slightly older people enjoy sex the most. Thus, in one survey, 37 percent of women and 34 percent of men admitted that they were The 40s are the best time to have sex. 828 people participated in the survey. The researchers came to the conclusion that in our 20s we really have more sex, and in our 40s we enjoy sex the most. This is said to be because there are fewer complexes during these years.

Couples in their 40s enjoy sex the most.
Couples in their 40s enjoy sex the most.

3 reasons why sex is better in older age

People in their 40s are more confident

They know exactly what they want, they are not ashamed of pleasure and they don't care if they have cellulite and a few wrinkles. They are also less afraid of giving up. Sex in older years is much more relaxed, so it's better.

Sex in marriage is also better sex

Of course, it's nice when you get between the sheets for the first time. The smell, the feel on the skin, all that excitement and sweetness of sex - everything is new and exciting. But in middle age comes something that makes sex even better: sincere love. In addition, we know exactly what the partner wants, and he knows what you want. We no longer hide our fantasies and let ourselves go more easily and better.

Older women experience orgasm better, easier or faster.

The older we get, the more we enjoy sex. And that's a huge advantage when it comes to orgasm - women in their 40s have less trouble climaxing. One study found that as many as 40 percent of women in their 20s have problems with orgasm, while in their 40s only 20 percent have the same problem.

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