
These astrological signs are the most awkward in the bedroom!

Photo: Universal Pictures

Even though most people enjoy sex, that doesn't mean they're good at it. If you didn't already know, astrology has a huge influence on your character and behavior, as well as your skills and knowledge in bed.

Which five astrological signs do not do well in this area?


Tauruses are the definition of "hungry" when it comes to sex. Their appetite is so great that they will not care where, when and with whom it takes place, but only how often. In addition, they love attention and enjoy their dominance. For them, the favorite sexual relationship is the one where they take the initiative and in which they choose the position and the entire subsequent course.


Being adventurous, this astrological sign could please many, but they don't want to! Everything they think of is dominated by their selfish nature, which almost always spoils the essence of love. When their desires are fulfilled, they become careless and show that they basically don't care how their partner feels.



Sagittarians, although full of energy and sports fans, find it very difficult to impress other people in bed due to their clumsiness. Their attitude and humor often get in the way of having a good time in the bedroom. They are confused at times and will insert their humor during intercourse at inopportune times. If you are interested in intense and fun sex, they are not the right choice.


Although lions are charming and attractive people, you will be bored after entering the bedroom because they will fall asleep in seconds! In addition, their narcissistic attitude will show its "teeth" during intercourse. During it, they will pay the most attention to themselves.


Pisces are prone to daydreaming and this often distracts them from sexuality. They are physically present, but their brains are somewhere else, which can annoy their partners. People born under the sign of fish like to fantasize about the places they will visit, the food they will taste, but not about the different ways of making love and about their partner.


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