
These astrological signs look the most youthful. Are you among them?

Photo: Andrea Picquadio / Pexels

Some people look younger, others look older. This can be attributed to genetics and various lifestyle habits such as diet and exercise. Charisma and the inner energy that people radiate are also important for a youthful appearance. Astrologers claim that astrological stars also play a role in this. Let's see which three signs seem younger than they really are.


Libras are very strong-willed and know exactly what they want. They lead a very balanced and contented life. They are very adventurous and want to experience many things. Libra's vivacity remains until old age and it makes them look younger than they really are.

Photo: Kampus Production / Pexels


Geminis like to smile and generally like to have fun. The youthful nature, mood and joy do not go unnoticed, as they receive a lot of praise. In addition, the actual age does not matter to them and they are always ready to do something "stupid".


Leos are very open, decisive and playful. His positive nature makes them carefree, light and youthful. Since they are sensitive to their appearance, they take care of a healthy lifestyle from an early age. They also appreciate and radiate inner beauty, which gives them an additional youthful energy signature.

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