
These changes are coming to Facebook

At Facebook, after the Cambridge Analytica scandal, they had to respond to the accusations that came their way. How will they try to regain the reputation they had until recently?

Those responsible mainly defended themselves by claiming that the users of the social network are to blame for the situation themselves, as they did not inquire enough about the terms and conditions they agreed to when registering. That's why Facebook decided to educate people about the options they have online privacy protections. At the same time, they are applications added some updates. Let's see what kind.

The Facebook app is about to change a bit.
The Facebook app is about to change a bit.

1. Settings collected on the heap

The settings menu on mobile devices has been redesigned. From now on you can find all the settings in one place, while before they were divided into 20 parts.

2. New menu with shortcuts to privacy settings

Privacy Shortcuts is a menu through which you can now manage your data. This way you can make your account more secure. You will limit the personal information you show to others and determine which ads are shown to you.

3. Profile management option

Under the Access Your Informaton tab, you will be able to manage your information, posts, comments... From here, any content can be deleted from the profile.

An interesting possibility was offered by the web browser Mozilla Firefox. Theirs Facebook Container will enable a hyperlink from Facebook to one of the other web pages to open in a new tab. This way, Facebook will no longer be able to track you.

Firefox is the right browser for those concerned about online security.
Firefox is the right browser for those concerned about online security.

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