
You probably didn't know these facts about chocolate

There is hardly a person who does not like it, whether it is dark, milky, with hazelnuts, stuffed or white. You guessed it, we are talking about chocolate, which delights millions of people around the world every day and is the subject of books, songs and even movies. Speaking of movies, one interesting fact that many people probably don't know: in the very famous shower scene from the cult movie Psycho, director Alfred Hitchcock used chocolate syrup to represent blood. This was also used by other directors of black and white films.

Did you know that throughout the history of chocolate, people have been enjoying it in liquid form? Ever since the times of the Mayans and Aztecs, Columbus and Cortes, who was responsible for its arrival in the wider Europe, until the first English chocobars, chocolate was mostly a dark, bitter and liquid drink. The Spaniards first started adding honey to it, and later added sugar. It was not until the 16th century that chocolate became a sweet treat. Three centuries later, in 1847, the Fry brothers from Bristol produced the first chocolate bar as we know it today.

Why does chocolate melt in your mouth?

As soon as we put a piece of chocolate in our mouth, it starts to melt. And why is that? The temperature at which chocolate starts to melt is 34 degrees Celsius. In our mouths, the average temperature is 36 degrees Celsius, which is absolutely enough for the chocolate to start melting.

Who produces the most chocolate and who eats the most chocolate?

Chocolate is one of the most desired snacks in the world, and most of the chocolate comes from the Ivory Coast. Yes, this African country is the largest producer of cocoa in the world, followed by Ghana and Indonesia. Côte d'Ivoire produces about 1.51 million tons of cocoa annually, equivalent to one-third of the world's demand for cocoa. The bulk of this belongs to Switzerland, which is the world's largest consumer of chocolate. On average, every Swiss person consumes about 13 kg of chocolate every year. Switzerland is also the country where milk chocolate was born.


Do you know that Dorina was born more than 20 years ago?

It may seem like yesterday, but it was already in 1996 when the Karst chocolates were combined into one Dorina brand, which today offers a wide selection of different flavors. Milk Dorina, Dorina with hazelnuts, Dorina with rice Dorina Housewife and Dorina Napolitanka, are just some of the wide range Dorina's selection of different chocolates. And which one is your favorite Dorina? Each of them is something special and will satisfy even the most demanding chocolate lover.

If you yourself are among the fans of this sweet vice, sign up at Dorina's a fun prize game in which you can compete for the main prize - €1,500 in gift vouchers for BTC City.

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