
These items in red attract money and wealth - do you have them?

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered why the color red is so powerful and attractive? Red is not just a color, it is a symbol of passion, strength and life. Since ancient times, red has been associated with wealth, happiness and abundance.

Using the color red is one of the most effective Feng Shui methods for attracting wealth, happiness and success into your life.

Among all colors, red is unique because it symbolizes wealth, happiness and power

It is also important when practicing Feng Shui listen to your inner feeling and focus on establishing balance and harmony in the space. With the right combination, you can create a space that supports you in achieving your goals and realizing your dreams of wealth and abundance.

Here are three effective tricks that harness the power of red to attract wealth and abundance.

1. The use of red in the main rooms

In Chinese culture, red is a symbol of happiness, joy and prosperity, so it is especially important to use it in places where positive energy gathers.

The best places to use red

The red door. Photo: Niki Nagy / Pexels

Entrance door

The color red on the front door creates a strong and positive first impression, attracting wealth and luck to your home or business. You can paint the entire door or add red elements such as pots, vases or rugs.

The entrance to your home is an energetically important space, as it represents the first meeting point between the outside world and your inner world. Adding red details to the entrance can increase the flow of positive energy and attract financial luck to your home.

You can place a red vase with flowers at the entrance or simply hang a red bow on the door. It is important to choose red details that bring you joy and a sense of welcome. When you decorate the entrance of your home with red elements, visualize wealth entering your home through this space.

Living room or dining room

These are spaces where family and friends often gather, so the use of red is particularly effective here. You can add red cushions, decorative objects or artwork to create a warm and rich atmosphere.

Business premises

If you are an entrepreneur or work from home, using the color red in your work environment can increase productivity and business success. Red can dominate the decoration or you can add it in the form of red plants or artwork.

2. Red objects

Red wallet. Photo: Pixabay

Red bag

This is a traditional Feng Shui item that contains a combination of lucky symbols, herbs and crystals and is usually shaped like a small red bag. The red bag is said to bring luck, wealth and protection from negative energy, so it can be hung on the front door or worn as a personal amulet.

Red wallet

A wallet is a symbol of your financial status and using the color red can increase your financial luck. In Feng Shui, the color red is associated with the element of fire, which symbolizes vitality, energy and wealth. When you carry a red wallet, you create a strong energetic connection with your financial abundance.

Choose a quality red wallet and clean it before use. Imagine your wealth growing when you carry your wallet with you. It is important to clean your wallet regularly and fill it regularly with money. This keeps the energy of wealth flowing in your life.

3. Wear something red

Clothes are an important part of your personal energy and can have a huge impact on your mood and self-esteem. The color red can help you feel strong, confident and financially stable.

Wear something red. Photo: Gül Işık / Pexels

When choosing clothes, try to include at least one piece of red. It can be a shirt, a suit, a tie or even an accessory like a red scarf or scarf. It is important to feel good in red clothes and to wear them with pride. When wearing a red garment, visualize yourself attracting wealth and abundance into your life.

4. Red plants and decorative elements

Plants are important in Feng Shui for their ability to purify and harmonize energy, and red plants have the added power of attracting luck and abundance.


This plant has distinctive red flowers and is known for its ability to purify the air and attract positive energy and happiness.

Red orchid. Photo: Emil Mondoa / Pexels


The red orchid symbolizes love, happiness and wealth and is popular in feng shui for its beauty and positive energy.


The red begonia is known for its ability to attract financial luck and abundance, as well as to harmonize the energy in the room.


This plant has beautiful red flowers and is popular for its ability to attract positive energy and promote prosperity and success.

When choosing decorative elements, it is also important to consider their quality and condition. According to Feng shui, it should avoid the injured or decaying objects, as these can attract negative energy and hinder the flow of wealth.

It is important that when using red paint not exaggerating. Too much red can cause overstimulation and even aggression, which is not helpful for attracting wealth. Therefore, red should be used sparingly and judiciously to maintain balance and harmony in the room.

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