
These two colors contribute to greater creativity and attention

In the light of modern times, when we must constantly be mentally prepared for new daily tasks and life challenges, we often resort to searching for the key to greater, constantly present creativity. Scientists are discovering that just two colors on a computer screen can contribute to improving it.

Every one human being adjusts individually and searches for answers to the question, what stimulates creativity, but scientists are discovering simpler way, with which you will reach a higher level of this. Researchers American Association for the Advancement of Science so they find that exposure can already two colors improves yours attention and innovation.

Just being exposed to two colors can improve your attention and innovation.
Just being exposed to two colors can improve your attention and innovation.

He is in the study group of participants fulfilled various demanding tasks that required attention and creativity. They had to complete the challenges on computers with red or blue background.

It turned out that respondents who performed assigned tasks on computers with red background, performed better on tasks that demanded their attention. Participants who worked on computers with blue background, they contributed twice as much creative ideas.

Blue for creativity, red for attention.
Blue for creativity, red for attention.

Why do these two colors have such special functions, it is not clear, but the researchers developed their own theory or explanationRed color is associated with attention because of stop signs, which prompts the brain to they pay more attention and act cautiously.

On the other hand blue colour, say scientists, relaxes people and is associated with positive motivation – blue is associated with openness, peace and serenity: since it signals a favorable environment, it is likely that this color will phase you motivates and encourages its use innovative strategies.

The color blue is associated with relaxation, while red with attention.
The color blue is associated with relaxation, while red with attention.

So if you want to develop attention, install a red background on your computer desktop or phone. If you would like to be innovative, a blue background can help you.

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