
They Can't Manipulate You: The 6 Biggest Benefits of Being an Empath

You are a special, warm person who helps others overcome their sadness, anger and fears.

An empathic person has increased awareness of other people's emotions, feeling not only their own pain and sadness, but also the pain and sadness of others. If you are like this yourself, you are often told that you are oversensitive. Not only do you feel with others, but you feel as if everything that happens to others is also happening to you. Interestingly, listening to and watching negative news can also wear you out for days on end, which is mentally and emotionally draining.

Being an empath isn't something you can change or learn, it's just the way you are.

What are the advantages of being an empath?

People cannot manipulate you

You pay attention to how other people act, talk, feel, perceive their true intentions, even if they try to hide them. You can sense when someone is lying or trying to manipulate you. Your empathy has a built-in radar for insincerity and deception.

You sense the energy of the people around you

You are extremely sensitive to vibration, energy or the atmosphere in a room. You are peaceful, you know how to avoid emotional mines. You feel the feelings of other people towards you, you observe their reactions to your words and actions. You can easily read other people and see their false masks and true intentions more quickly.

An empathic person has a heightened awareness of other people's emotions, they feel not only their own pain and sadness, but the pain and sadness of others.
An empathic person has a heightened awareness of other people's emotions, feeling not only their own pain and sadness, but also the pain and sadness of others.

You feel how someone affects your energy

You know how a certain person feels about you. Surround yourself with people who make you feel happy, motivated and loved. Remove from your life people who make you feel sad, inferior or angry, disappointed. Protect your energy, being empathic allows you to spot energy fairies and energy vampires.

You are creative

Empaths have the ability to see the world very vividly and quite differently than others. You are intuitive and yearn for relaxation. You feel the need to turn your observations into art, poetry, music. Sensitivity can be burdensome, so you release it through creativity.

You like to help people, although sometimes to their own detriment

By putting others first, you forget yourself. You want everyone to be happy. You can sense how your family, friends and colleagues are feeling at any given moment without a single word being spoken between you. You're often the one to pull someone aside to ask if they're okay and give them support they may not even know they need.

You like to help people, even if sometimes to your own detriment.
You like to help people, although sometimes to your own detriment.

You feel their pain, but you also feel their love

Have you cried at a happy or sad scene in a movie? You feel other people's happiness and pain, which can be exhausting. But you feel not only their pain, but also their joy, happiness, love.

The ability to feel other people's emotions is really something special (a superpower), be proud of it! But in all the multitude of other people's feelings, don't forget yourself!

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