
They say this is the most beautiful street in the world

The tree-lined street in Porto Alegre is considered the most beautiful street in the world.

They say that the street in Porto Alegre, the capital of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, is the most beautiful street in the world, and it would be hard to argue with them. Why? Take a look at our tree row photo gallery and it will be clear to you immediately. Both sides of the street are lined with trees, some of which reach up to the seventh floor of nearby buildings. What makes it even more beautiful and valuable is the fact that only buildings "grow" behind the trees, so it's nice to see that at least these trees have survived in this concrete jungle.

Beautiful streets in Porto Alegre, Brazil it is also called the most beautiful street in the world because of the pristine trees that hug and hide it. Although the urban jungle is dominated by the concrete type of "growth", trees that have long been in 1930 planted by German workers living in the neighborhood, over eight decades no human hand intervened.

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People today are so attached to them that they exist groups of volunteers, who ensure that this city avenue maintains its natural beauty, despite the fact that it takes place under the canopy busy traffic.

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