
This is something you as a couple should do before going to bed!

What can you and your partner do for better sleep? No, it's not sex, believe it or not. It's all about COMMUNICATION in your relationship, which can affect how you sleep.

How can communication affect sleep? First of all, it is necessary to examine your attitude. How is your relationship with your partner? Do you two talk about what happens to you during the day? Do you trust all the details, the good news, the green wave at the traffic lights on the way to work, a compliment from your boss, a ladybug landing on your finger, a victory for his football team? If you are, you are on the right track. Not only will you have a solid relationship, but you'll also sleep better. According to research couples who share good news fall asleep more easily and quickly compared to those who do not. So, share some good news!

Before going to bed, share the good news of the day with each other.
Before going to bed, share the day's good news with each other.

Sarah Arpin from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention in 32 days online survey on 162 pairs. Each participant had to answer a few questions, including what was the best thing that happened to them during the day, how did they tell their partner and what was their reaction. She was also interested in whether they were intimate with their partner. Are they lonely, happy? The research showed that the day on which they slept best was the one on which it was their partner received good news and they also trusted each other. If the two partners support each other and communicate with each other, this is an excellent basis for good sleep and for the relationship in general.

If both partners support each other, communicate with each other, this is an excellent disposition for good sleep and for the relationship in general.
If the two partners support each other and communicate with each other, this is an excellent basis for good sleep and for the relationship in general.

So take your time and tell each other all the good news. This will deepen your relationship. With communication, you will not only sleep better, but have also more regular sexual relations. As a result, your immune system will be strengthened. So, today and every day before you drift off to sleep, embrace each other and trust each other with all the little smiling moments of the passing day.

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