
Things we women are just too old for when we're 30+

If you're a woman, chances are you spent your twenties making mistakes and finding yourself. This is a period of uncertainty and questionable decisions, bad relationships, bad sex and confused feelings. If you don't marry the wrong person or ruin your reputation during these years, you're actually doing well!

On the other hand, the thirties are the years for fulfillment and happiness. By then, you've solidified your career, you're more confident about your identity, and you're well on your way to creating what you want in life. You stop accepting other people's nonsense and simply "go wild". So you are entering a very good period.

Below is a list of things that every thirty-year-old woman should refuse. As adult women, we should no longer accept these things or spend energy on them!

Stop apologizing for who you are

If you feel good in your own skin, that's all that matters. Insecure people who are unsure of themselves, their behavior or lack confidence may try to destroy your character or decisions, but that is entirely their problem. You know, just keep going. Live the way you feel and be as crazy as you want! If you know you are a good person, you have nothing to apologize for.

Stop neglecting your body

It is clear to everyone that with age the metabolism slows down and the weight changes. Still, the excuse that you're in your 30s isn't really a good reason to stop taking care of yourself. If you hate your tummy, exercise at home and get your old shape back. You don't have to be skinny, but you can be the best version of yourself at 30 that there is!

Don't mess with random men

In your twenties, you had plenty of time to waste on men who are sweet and cute for one night and then pretend they don't know you. Some people are simply not cut out to be a romantic adult woman. And that's okay too.

If you need to analyze what he's thinking, be the one to initiate every date, or wonder how many other girls he's dating, it's time to show him the door. You are grown up now. A pretty smile and sugar-coated compliments should no longer be a substitute for understanding and sincere communication. If you've given him every chance you can, but he's still messing with you, it's time to move on. The 30s are not a period in which you should tolerate any oslaria. No matter how much you care about him, let him go. You deserve someone who will strive to be a part of your life.

The thirties are the years for fulfillment and happiness.

Don't allow yourself to be underpaid or underpaid

This is even more important if men in your company are paid more. We don't know why the differences still exist in 2020, but they do. If you feel underpaid or know it, take the necessary steps to get the money you deserve! Research the facts, prepare a speech to highlight your skills, go to the boss and tell him what you expect.

Don't accept the company's excuses. If they don't want to pay you what you're worth, it's time to clear your desk and walk away. You are a grown woman who deserves to buy something nice here and there, not to struggle from month to month.

Don't be insecure about your body

"What does my butt look like from behind?", "Is the light in the bedroom ideal so that you don't see what you don't need?", "Does my husband think my thighs are too thick?" Who cares!

If you're a woman in your 30s and doing everything you can to be the best version of yourself, you have no reason to waste your time and energy wondering if your man is comparing your hips to Taylor Swift's. Because if they do, then he's probably a jerk. Your body is your temple and you age like wine. Be proud of what you have!

Stop living in the past

In the words of Amy Young: "I always do what I know." Sometimes it's easy to think about what we should be doing and what our lives would be like if we were doing something else. But on the other hand, we are where we are. This is what we chose. Life has no rewind button.

There is no point in living in the past and thinking about mistakes or missed opportunities. Your bad feelings won't do anything good for your future. In fact, the whole thing will only make you sad. You have to let go. You have to believe that you did the best you could with the knowledge you had at the time. It's the only thing you can do.

Be proud of yourself!

Stop comparing yourself

Close Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, etc. Don't judge your life by how many of your friends are married, how many have managed to buy a house, how many travel, etc. Grown women don't bother with comparisons. In your late 30s, you realize that everyone travels alone through life and creates their own happiness. You are calm enough to let go and enjoy the ride of life.

It's pointless to compare yourself to the people you went to elementary school with, your best friends, or that girl your partner dated in high school. Comparison only leads to unnecessary self-doubt, but you know you're better than that, right?

Stop pretending you're fine

We're not saying you should let your feelings control your actions. But if you are going through a difficult period, it is good to take time and face your feelings. Who cares if others think it's not a big deal? You know that, and you feel bad about it. So give yourself time to recover.

Imagine, for example, that you experienced an unpleasant breakup, made some bad decisions, and your friends "forced" you to get over him as soon as possible, because he didn't deserve you. While all of this is true, the more you know how you feel, the more you can decide how to recover. So if you're going through something difficult, listen to your instincts and take care of yourself. You owe it to yourself!

We hope this list has inspired you for the best decades of your life. The most important thing is to enjoy your 30s. You deserve to hold your own standards and dance to your beat by holding your head high! You have a full ten years to enjoy this mixture of youth and experience. Make the most of them as you can!

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