
Things from everyday life that we use incorrectly

Have you ever been using something wrong all your life without even realizing it? No? Prepare yourself, because it can happen that you will find out that you have been living a lie. Well, it won't be so dramatic, but someone will surely let out Homer's "Doh" when he puts his palm to his forehead.

We all have shortcomings, including products that we encounter every day. Some suffer from bad design, others from bad or impractical packaging. If the former is to be blamed on the designers, in the latter the blame often lies with us, because we did not read the "instructions". And to think she was the solution right under our noses all the time… Look.

Aluminum foil

A secret passage into a world where you have no problems with aluminum foil.
A secret passage into a world where you have no problems with aluminum foil.

Did you know that a box for aluminum foil can be a "stand for duct tape"? In order for the roll to stay in place when you unroll the foil, you only need to make "ears" on the packaging, which are pre-prepared on the side.

Tic Tac candies

The clock ticks and says nothing. It goes a long way slowly.
The clock ticks and says nothing. It goes a long way slowly.

Getting the candy out of the box is sometimes a whole mission. The opening is always "clogged" when the hand shakes nervously over the palm. As elsewhere, prudence and calmness take us far. Go about things in a calm way, just tilt the box and the candy will land in the space intended for it. Like Pez candies, one at a time.

Yogurt spoon

An improvised spoon.
An improvised spoon.

It often happens that we find ourselves with a pot of yogurt but without a spoon. If it is as liquid as it is, there is no problem, but with the less liquid ones, which are usually in pots with an aluminum lid, it would still fit. The solution is simple and does not involve the usual accessories. In MacGyver style, you just turn the cap into a usable spoon.


No, these are not headphones, but toilet unclogs.
No, these are not headphones, but toilet unclogs.

Most people believe that there is only one type of unclog, that famous drain unclog. But if you've ever had a clogged toilet, then you know that he didn't do his best there. Logically, because a fork is not the most suitable for soup, is it? For the toilet, there is an unclog with a different bottom, which is not flat.


It doesn't look pretty on camera, but it will do the job.
It doesn't look pretty on camera, but it will do the job.

For effective tooth brushing, only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste should be applied to the brush. The blame for the excessive application can easily be placed on the advertisers, who have good reasons for the deception: 1. it looks better, 2. they sell more paste. Yes, they just "fall" for such advertising tricks.

Two-part yogurt

Yogurt is a bit more difficult to dip than tacos in sauces.
Yogurt is a bit more difficult to dip than tacos in sauces.

Like the two-piece swimsuit, the "two-piece" yogurt has a dual purpose. However, this is not about dipping the yogurt into the dressing with a spoon, like you would dip chips into a sauce, but rather "skipping" the dressing into the yogurt, like a truck with its load.

Toilet seat cover

You've probably always memorized the shell by now.
You have probably always memorized the shell by now.

The hygienic protection for the toilet bowl can do its job really well only when you place it so that it has a "tongue" at the front, which prevents it from sliding into the bowl.

A can

But you thought they skimped on the material! In reality, they were only thinking of you.
But you thought they skimped on the material! In reality, they were only thinking of you.

Did you know that the metal ring has more than just the function of opening the oval valve. This is only the first part of his task, once he is done with it, he serves as a straw holder.

READ MORE: The dirtiest things we encounter every day

An extension cord

Trap the problem in a loop, with a loop.
Trap the problem in a loop, with a loop.

How many times has the cable from the electric extension stuck on you because you either went too far or the cable got stuck somewhere in between and as a result silenced your device or machine? Make a loop and you'll fix the problem.


Thumbs up for this tip because thumbs won't suffer from breakage anymore.
Thumbs up for this tip because thumbs won't suffer from breakage anymore.

Sometimes breaking Toblerons seems as difficult as climbing the Matterhorn, which is their protective sign. But with the right approach, it's easy as pie. The key is to pull the mini chocolate Matterhorn towards the tablet, not away from it.

Kitchen pots

But another hole in your knowledge has been patched. Who else needs a special stand for kitchens?
But another hole in your knowledge has been patched. Who else needs a special stand for kitchens?

You've probably noticed that some pots have a hole at the end of the handle. No, this is not intended for hanging, but serves as a "resting place" for the kitchen. Because from all the twisting, he also needs to rest sometime.

Plastic caps

Drink in style, even in a glass from the packaging.
Drink in style, even in a glass from the packaging.

Did you know that plastic lids for plastic glasses can also be used as coasters? Yes, today, if you want to succeed, you have to be able to multitask.

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