
Things you do NOT have to experience until you're 30

Most of the articles remind us what we should achieve, have and experience by the age of 30. The realization that we haven't achieved even half of what we should often lead us to feelings of worthlessness. Instead of worrying about what we should achieve, let's ask ourselves: why? Is it really necessary to follow unwritten rules and worry about what you should do?

Here it is refreshing and relaxing a list of things not to achieve by the age of 30:

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No need to get engaged or married.

If you're not married yet, it's not the end of the world. Even if all your friends are already married, it doesn't mean you have to be too. Take time to think.

No need to have big, flashy things.

Even if the commercials convince you that you need a new car, there's no need to spend your earnings on big purchases. Save money for things that really make you happy.

You don't have to have a job that makes you happy.

It's nice if you love your job. But it is not necessary to find it before the age of 30. Finding a job that makes you happy takes time, experience and knowledge. Use the work you do to gain experience.

No need to travel.

Traveling is the best thing if discovering the world makes you happy and if you can afford it. If not, indulge yourself in small pleasures in the comfort of your own home. The world is waiting for you even after you turn thirty.

No need to have a pet.

Animals deserve care, attention and love. If you are in a period where you can barely take care of yourself, it is not a good time to take care of anyone else.

No need to skydive.

Adrenaline experiences are quite popular, but they don't necessarily appeal to everyone. Life can be full even without adrenaline experiences.

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