
Things you absolutely must not do when you're fighting

Actions you absolutely must not do when you are arguing

Words hurt and can carry a lot more weight than meets the eye - these are the things you absolutely must not do when you're arguing.

There are arguments an inevitable part of any relationship and if carried out in a constructive way, they are an opportunity for personal growth and improvement of the relationship. In the end, of course, we are only human, bleeding under the skin and full of mistakes. However, every day is an opportunity to improve...These are 8 things to avoid in an argument with your partner.

There's no way you can do that when you're arguing...

Don't threaten divorce.

Blackmail through divorce or separation never pays off. This does not mean that if you seriously doubt the sustainability of the relationship, you should not express it constructively, but do not use the conversation about a possible breakup as blackmail. 

Don't tell him/her how to feel.

Don't tell your partner how they should or shouldn't feel. Everyone has the right to experience it the way it is. 

Arguments can be an opportunity for growth or a disaster.
Arguments can be an opportunity for growth or a disaster.

Avoid passive aggression.

Passive aggression is a form of aggression that is difficult for someone to blame you for. It is a pattern of behavior where we do not say that something bothers us, angers us, saddens us, maybe even denies it if someone asks us about it, but secretly we take revenge for these feelings with silent silence, bad mood or reprimand in a few weeks or months.

Don't test his/her love.

We can only say this: the testing of love and devotion has never ended according to plan in the history of mankind!

Even when we are angry, we have a choice in how we react.
Even when we are angry, we have a choice in how we react.

Don't be sarcastic.

They save sarcasm for internet jokes. When there are serious arguments, sarcasm only hurts and further complicates the situation. 

Don't be his/her biggest critic.

Constructive criticism can help the other improve, but a partnership should also be a safe space where mistakes are allowed and you are accepted for who you are. 

No one should be compared to an ex-partner.
No one should be compared to an ex-partner.

Don't compare him/her to your ex.

Comparing yourself to your ex-partner won't do you any good. Your partner will be even more reluctant to change the trait that bothers you, and you'll hurt him/her unnecessarily and badly. 

Criticizing his/her family

No one can choose their family. Besides, we love our parents no matter what they are. Under no circumstances should he attempt to defame her or his family. 

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