
Things to consider when dating a younger man

"Desire and love are wings for great deeds." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

If you love younger men and they love you, one thing is for sure - they make you feel younger.

Maybe because you are full of life and energy and therefore they match you with their strength and energy, which you find especially in younger people. Or you can forgive their lack of experience, immaturity and irresponsibility more easily than those whom you expect to be grown up and mature and have learned something over the years.

Let's look at some general things to consider if you are in a relationship with a younger man.

Younger people are generally not independent

Neither financially nor emotionally. They often still rely on their parents, perhaps living with them or receiving pocket money, even if they are employed. This attachment is maintained in various ways, as dependence on the primary family often has nothing to do with age.

They don't have the courage to live the way they want, and the relationship with an older woman is the culmination of rebellious behavior against imposed models, in which they find freedom and independence, which are still only fictitious, because they remain dependent and without real initiative in their lives.

They are not fighting for power with you

Younger men tend to accept an unequal position – you're older, wiser, more successful, more independent, and you have the power. In fact, they enjoy it, because such a relationship frees them from emotional drama - the older woman is in a friendly mood, busy with her life, does not mind his need to explore and live her life. She even encourages him and watches him gain more and more confidence.

The older partner is always some kind of mentor, teacher and lover as well as friend. Younger men, on the other hand, are very grateful for such a relationship and for everything they learn in it - about themselves, love, life.

Sometimes the generation gap is very visible

In a relationship with a younger man, you can experience strange, conflicting feelings and situations - you can have the most exciting sex in the world and then die of boredom trying to have a meaningful conversation with him.

Sometimes it's a cultural gap, sometimes it's prejudices and lack of experience, undeveloped interests. You may want to see him exclusively in the bedroom and avoid going out with him or introducing him to friends. And he will feel that you are ashamed of him and do not see him as a partner.

If he is smart, educated and cultured, you will probably find intellectual connection and inspiration in this relationship, but the gap will appear in the domain of experience, as well as in ideas and goals - he wants what you are not interested in, because you have already left it behind with each other.

In a relationship with a younger man, you may experience strange, conflicting feelings and situations.

Younger people can be mature…

He will confirm to you that maturity has nothing to do with age, that is, that some men can be children in their mature years, and some very young men are responsible and stable. If you meet such a person, it is an extraordinary experience that will restore your faith in men and the human race.

... but they can also be immature

You don't expect a certain maturity from someone who is 25, but not complete immaturity either, while you expect a certain maturity and accomplishment and realization from someone who is 30 (and still much younger than you).

But at any age you can meet children who will develop into those men you avoid all your life because they have years and experience but not the intelligence to learn from it and the maturity to apply what they have learned to life .

Besides, everything is relative

When love, true spiritual connection, is at stake, everything becomes relative. Differences (in age and everything else) become sources of learning and ennobling one's world, common growth and development simply happens. A younger man can also be a very old soul who wakes up and becomes aware with you.

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