
Things you should stop saying to people without kids

We don't all have the same desires, and it's good that others respect that. But some people don't realize that they can do more harm than good with their words. And it's time to stop brainstorming with people without children or imposing your opinion in the style of "You'll be sorry!". These are the things you need to stop saying to people without kids.

Here is 24 most common things, which you need to stop telling people without kids

1. You will change your mind.
2. Imagine if your parents didn't want to have YOU?!
3. There is still time.

"You will change your mind."
"You will change your mind."

4. Children give life meaning.
5. Deciding to have a baby was the BEST decision I ever made.
6. Don't you want someone to carry on your family name?

"Children give life meaning."
"Children give life meaning."

7. I don't even know who I was until I had kids.
8. Hasn't your biological clock already started ticking?
9. You don't have much time left, so don't wait too long.

"Hasn't your biological clock already started ticking?"
"Hasn't your biological clock already started ticking?"

10. I wish I could sleep longer, but I can't because I HAVE a baby.
11. But I would make a great parent!
12. Who will take care of you when you get old?

"But you'd make a great parent!"
“But he/she would make a great parent!”

13. You're missing out on the best part of life!
14. I used to say the same thing when I was your age, but it will pass.
15. Parenting will teach you to be less selfish.

"Parenting will teach you to be less selfish."
"Parenting will teach you to be less selfish."

16. I found an article that will change your mind.
17. The Bible says that women should have children.
18. Being a mother is a woman's mission.

"The Bible says women should have children."
"The Bible says that women should have children."

19. Your body was made for this!
20. What does your partner think about this?
21. If you spend more time with children, you will see why it is so great to have them.

"If you hang out with kids more, you'll see why it's so great to have them."
"If you hang out with children more, you'll see why it's so great to have them."

22. You don't want your partner to be deprived of parenting, do you?
23. Some people are clearly not cut out to be parents.
24. You will regret it.

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