
10 Things We Hurt Our Parents: Some things are hard to forgive

Every time we hurt someone, be it a friend or a parent, let's ask ourselves: how would we feel if someone treated us like that? Maybe this will help us be more careful with our words and actions next time.

It is important that we spend some time with our parents and pay attention to them. Let's not forget, they dedicated their lives to us. And if we don't respect that, if we don't respect the people who gave us life, they can we hurt very, very much. And these are the 10 things that tend to hurt them the most.

Ugly words

Our parents are also very hurt by bad words and phrases that we may say too often. "I hate you", "Why did you even have me?", "You prefer my brother/sister to me", "Stop calling me", "Gee, you're boring", are just some of them. Let's ask ourselves, what would it be like if our children spoke to us like that?

Bad words hurt parents a lot.
Bad words hurt parents a lot.


Parents miss us, need us and want to spend time with us. Despite the fact that today we may have our family, job and full of other obligations, let's not forget our parents and at least call them. It might be too late tomorrow.

We don't ask them about their health.

It is not necessary that our parents will complain about the constant pain they feel, they may not even tell us that they are sick. Therefore, let's ask them about their health several times, because we can make things easier for them, if not with advice, but with the proper care they need.

Don't forget to ask your parents about their health.
Don't forget to ask your parents about their health.

Ignoring parents and family gatherings

Sometimes relationships with parents, with family, can be exhausting. But ignoring is not always the solution. Sometimes it's better to fight, to say what we think, rather than to simply delete people from our lives - this is only a temporary solution.

We don't want to help them financially.

They've helped us all their lives, maybe longer than is appropriate, now it's time for us to help them. This does not mean that we treat them like children. Sometimes we can give them money just to buy something nice, or we can buy them food. Such little things will remain in the memory forever.

We do not want to help parents financially.
We do not want to help parents financially.

We don't know how to be grateful.

Let's stop overestimating ourselves and underestimating everyone else, including parents. We owe the most gratitude to the mother who gave birth to us.

We have no patience.

Sometimes we have a lot of patience to repeat and explain things to complete strangers or co-workers, but we don't have it for our parents. But let's remember, our parents are already elderly, how will we be when we are their age?

We have no patience.
We have no patience.

Overlaying information about our lives

If we say it too many times "Mom, it's none of your business.", then maybe we are doing something wrong. No, we don't have to share every detail of our lives, but we can share the basics.

We do not keep memories of them.

Let's photograph them as much as possible - when they are laughing, when they are sad, when they are thinking, when they are hugging their grandchildren... maybe tomorrow we will only have photos left.

Let's take pictures with our parents as much as possible.
Let's take pictures with our parents as much as possible.

We treat them like little children.

No, our parents are not children and they have more life experience than we do. Let's respect them and respect their decisions.

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