
This glass bridge that keeps breaking will scare you to death

Fear of heights is nothing exotic. Everyone who meets him knows that, right? It is uncomfortable to stand on the edge of a balcony on a slightly higher floor, let alone on the terrace of a skyscraper. And the problem with this fear is that you cannot explain it rationally. You can convince yourself that everything will be fine, but your knees remain soft, and your eyes like to blur. It is hard to imagine what kind of feelings you would experience if you walked on the glass bridge in Haitang, China, which is constantly breaking.

A video has circulated online in which a tour guide leading a group of tourists across a glass bridge panics at one point as the break the glass under it.

The bridge is still standing 1180 meters above sea level, and below it is nothing but, yes, 1,180 meters of free fall. Can you imagine what that would feel like? Well, it was about a staged move to attract even more people. The builders of the bridge are in one of the glass layers embedded broken glass, and when you step on that part, it looks like it's crumbling under your feet. The video was followed by an official apology from those responsible, as some people reacted violently, but at the same time they explained why they decided to do it. In the video, the tour guide seems to have known what was about to happen, as he accompanied the reaction with a smile.

A great marketing move or just an unsalted joke? What do you say?

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