
This is what happens when you fall asleep behind the wheel of a Tesla

Whenever we talk about autonomous driving systems, we cannot ignore the fact that Tesla's experts are leaders in this field. They are developing their autopilot to the point where we are no longer far from the moment when cars will actually be able to drive themselves. The latest videos show us what happens if we fall asleep behind the wheel of a Tesla.

Driver fatigue recognition systems are already known to us and some work better, others a little less. Tesla the system monitors the driver's reactions and helps him as well sensors on the steering wheel, which detect whether hands are on it or not. People always move the steering wheel slightly to the left or right while driving and don't even realize it. When this movement stops, this is already the first sign of alarm and the computer concludes that the driver let go of the steering wheel or fell asleep. At first, the car with warns the driver with light signals, that he has to get behind the wheel again. If this is not effective, the system starts warning with loud beeps. If even that is not enough, a car automatically turns on the hazard lights and starts braking. The car thus automatically stops and warns the surroundings that something is wrong with the safety blinkers. Thanks to the lane recognition system, too stays in the middle of it and prevents a sleeping driver from driving off the road.


The fatigue system comes in handy not only in the case of sleep, but also in more serious problems such as stroke or heart attack. Tesla's system is thus another proof that technology is more and more contributes to saving human lives.

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