
This is what happens in a woman's body when she is embraced by her man

This is what happens in a woman's body when she is embraced by her man

The most beautiful classic stories, sentimental songs and true love have failed to describe as accurately what happens in a woman's body when her man embraces her, as the writer David Tumarinson described it.

David Tumarinson writes emotional prose, but he sent the internet into a frenzy with his entry about what happens in a woman's body, when her man embraces her.

His words prove the power of a hug and encourage you, to hug more often, because both women and men they yearn for love.

When a man sneaks up on a woman and wraps his arms around her body, he closes the circle - his and hers. This is a circle of tenderness, warmth and protection. The man then places his woman at the center of this passionate circle. In this way, he tells her that she is the center of his universe...

She is the center of his world!
She is the center of his world!

When a man embraces a woman, for a moment she feels as if she has wings and can fly. This circle of love is peaceful and pleasant. Soft to the point that it melts like a sugar cube in a cup of tea.

Who is she as she stands in the center of this circle?
What does he feel?? Is it a girl or a woman?
He feels loved or she loves?

He hugs her and protects her from the outside world, which is so cold and lonely. In his hands, however, it is soft and comfortable. These hands are her protection and tranquility. This is everything a woman looks for, waits for and hopes for…”

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