
This is a haircut that makes every woman look 10 years older! Hairdressers advise against it!

A style mistake older women make.

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Photo: envato elements

While it's true that fashion and style know no age limits, there is one haircut that can instantly add 10 years to your look. Often referred to as a "shackle", this hairstyle is short and evenly cut, with or without fringes. Unfortunately, this haircut has become very popular among women over 50, but hairdressers warn that this is one of the biggest fashion fads.

Imagine this: a hairstyle that was popular decades ago still appears on the heads of older women. Unfortunately, this style can emphasize signs of aging, such as wrinkles, and can make the face look more severe and less attractive. Hairdressers warn that this haircut does not suit most face shapes and rarely flatters anyone.

So what is this hairstyle that is absolutely forbidden! this hairstyle makes a woman look old!

The "shalčka" hairstyle is a short and evenly cut hairstyle, which is often accompanied by fringes. This style was once popular, but is now considered old-fashioned and unpretentious. A strict cut can accentuate wrinkles and other signs of aging, which can result in a severe and unattractive look. Experts warn that this haircut rarely suits anyone, and it is especially not recommended for women over 50, as it can add unnecessary years to the appearance

So why does this hairstyle remain popular? Perhaps for ease of maintenance or nostalgic value, but the result is often unsatisfactory. Older women are burdened with this style of unnecessary old age, which is completely unnecessary.

Photo: envato elements
Although it is cutting your hair short can be refreshing, hairdressers recommend more modern and flexible hairstyles, such as long, wavy hair or softly cut layers. These hairstyles add youth and energy while allowing for greater styling versatility.

Additionally, experimenting with hair colors and accessories is a great way to add vibrancy to your look. Also minor change, such as adding lighter highlights or using a stylish ribbon, can refresh a look and keep it from looking dated.

Photo: envato elements
For women above 50 years it is important that they realize that they can still play with fashion and style. Age should not be an obstacle to experimentation and expression of individuality, but it is still necessary to avoid those fashion traps that can work counter productively.

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