
This is how American diplomats learn Slovenian at the embassy in Ljubljana!

American diplomats learning Slovak

If you're ever confused because you're not sure you've pronounced or accented an English word correctly, don't worry. After watching a video of American diplomats at the embassy in Ljubljana learning Slovenian and seeing what kind of headaches it causes them, you will turn out to be a real talent for English. Here's an exclusive look at a Slovenian class at the American Embassy that will make you smile from ear to ear!

American diplomats at the embassy in Ljubljana every day they learn something new about Slovenia, its culture and history, and Slovenian is also an integral part of getting to know our country.

READ MORE: American teenagers test Slovenian sweets and...

You're wondering how it's going learning Slovenian American diplomats and what kind of headaches does it cause them? You just have to see this! If you want them to learn a special word, you can suggest it to them on theirs Facebook profile.

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