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This is how a man in love writes to himself: such messages betray him!

If he uses emoticons, he's probably head over heels in love.

Sometimes it is difficult to read a man and assess how he feels. Especially if he has a hard time putting it into words. But you can still count on some psychological things that could reveal his intentions and answer your question - is he in love? Pay attention to the way he texts, it could reveal a lot.

1. Respond to messages quickly

He doesn't play the game of waiting three days for him to answer you. He's online often, checking messages and responding quickly - which means he really cares. He doesn't want you to wait for him, but he's happy to chat with you - oh yes, he's in love.

Of course, it's possible that the man in love is also busy, and if he is, he'll do his best to apologize and explain why he couldn't answer.

2. He is often the first to respond

It doesn't wait for you to call. He does not suffer from complexes and excessive pride, which is very commendable.

Return the favor and be the first to respond so he doesn't get the impression that you're not interested.

3. Messages contain a lot of emoticons

Men are not in the habit of using emojis, specifically emoticons. But when they fall in love, things change. A man in love will send many emojis that hint at love.

4. He asks you a lot of questions

In this way, he checks how much you are interested. If he asks you a lot, it also shows that he is interested in your life and wants to get to know you as well as possible.

If he uses emoticons, he's probably head over heels in love.
Photo: Thom Holmes/Unsplash

5. Talk about yourself too

We don't just mean random things about ourselves, and we don't mean non-stop self-centered babbling. We mean how a man in love with you will share things about himself with you that he wouldn't share with others.

He talks about his past and future dreams. He talks about the details of the day. He is emotionally open and vulnerable. He is a man who doesn't care what you think and wants to share his life with you!

6. He texts you about things you could do together

He obviously wants to spend more time with you, so he plans to do so. If there are a lot of messages "U.S" or "You and me", this is probably because he has already fallen in love with you.

7. Try to make you laugh

A man who goes out of his way to send you jokes, puns, gifs, memes, and funny videos is showing interest in you. He wants to make you smile and brighten your day and maybe inspire you.

We all know that witty guys are incredibly attractive. Admit it – a sense of humor is sexy and it's a proven scientific fact!

8. He gives you thoughtful compliments

Compliments are wonderful in person and over text. If a man gives you compliments during messages, he is trying to make you laugh. He's basically flirting in a very cute way.

An even more reliable sign that he is in love is if his compliments are specific. He compliments the color of your eyes, compliments your actions in a certain situation, or mentions how much he likes a certain outfit or perfume you wore.

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