
This is how our attitude towards work changes over time

We start to feel at home.

New job, new challenge. When we start working in a new job, we all experience certain emotions. On the one hand we are excited and full of momentum, on the other we feel a kind of restlessness. Eventually, the initial drive, the initial enthusiasm and the initial love subside, and the job becomes just a job, a necessary evil that cuts our bread. Take a look at the fun illustrations that show the differences between the first working days at a new job and when we have been employed by the same employer for a long time. Does the sequence of events remind anyone else of a partnership?

First days at work they represent great excitement, but at the same time they can be extremely stressful. We get to know our surroundings, new colleagues, the basics of our work, and in doing so we try to make the employer and the employees the best possible impression. This can be exhausting.

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Usually Business Day we start, even before it starts, strictly we follow the employee's instructions and deadlines, grab for every job, nothing is difficult for us … but eventually, just like in a relationship, things cool down between us and work. The spark is gone and we start running late, dress inappropriately and refuse help with assignments, make private phone calls, we browse the web and social networks for private purposes and colleagues by e-mail silly jokes. The illustrations below show the difference in attitude to work in a fun way. Is (was) the picture similar for you?

This is how our attitude towards work changes over time compared to the first working days...

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