
This is how these 5 world-famous landmarks would almost look like

Some of the world's most popular landmarks could be almost completely different.

Which ones 5 world famous sights could it be completely different?

Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House

The unique design of the Sydney Opera House in Australia was designed by Jørn Utzon. Thanks to Eugene Gooseens, this famous performing arts center would almost be built in a completely different, more modern way.

Arc de Triomphe, Paris

Arc de Triomphe, Paris
Arc de Triomphe, Paris

The famous landmark of Paris was designed by Jean-François Chalgrin. Today it stands on the western part of the Champs Elysées in honor of those who fought in the French Revolution and in the battles of the Napoleonic era. One of the rejected proposals for the appearance of the famous triumphal arch, which could have a completely different appearance today, was prepared by Charles Ribart.

Lincoln Memorial, Washington

Lincoln Memorial, Washington
Lincoln Memorial, Washington

This American national monument was built in honor of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. It stands on the western part of the National Mall in Washington, across from another Washington landmark, the Washington Monument. The present-day version was designed by Henry Bacon, with an alternative design by John Russell Pope.

Tower Bridge, London

Tower Bridge, London
Tower Bridge, London

Sir Horace Jones designed Tower Bridge in London as we know it today. It stands on the River Thames and is a symbol of the lively city. One of the alternative models was prepared by FJ Palmer. This one was simpler and did not match the historic architecture of London.

Tribune Tower, Chicago

Tribune Tower, Chicago
Tribune Tower, Chicago

John Mead Howells and Raymond Hood created a rich design for the Tribune Tower in Chicago. Once home to many businesses, it has now been converted into condominiums. One of the rejected designs for the building, proposed by Bruno Taut, was much more modern.

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