
That's how you become your own worst enemy without even realizing it!

The line between good and bad should be drawn in every human heart.

You believe in the idea that you are not good enough if you are not better than others. You are always competing with others to satisfy your ego. You live in the illusion that only you are the best, the others don't count. You drown your unrealistic desires in the crowd and look for your love there. You are waiting for someone who will be the way you imagined him in your ideas about the ideal partner and you do not deviate from that even by a millimeter. You judge others for not being like you, for not living by your rules.

Don't allow yourself to feel (too) much. If your life looks good on the outside, you tell yourself that you're fine, even though you don't feel that way on the inside. You only behave and act according to what will make sense to other people. You have convinced yourself that numbness is safety and happiness.

Hate yourself for still caring about people you simply shouldn't care about anymore because they hurt you. You closed yourself off. You ignore your feelings. Feelings. You are looking for something that is long gone. You are swimming in the past and memories that you do not want to let go of your heart. You're looking for something to justify your feelings, something to see hope that basically isn't there and never was.

You have fallen into a mental chaos of feelings and you do not know how to get out of it. You don't see the pain. You live it because you don't know any other way, you don't want to leave it behind. You do not recognize the beauty of other people, you judge them because they are different from you, because they were born with different perceptions than yours.

You believe that you are your thoughts, that you are your emotions, instead of observing them from a distance.

Be who you are, listen to yourself and love yourself!
Be who you are, listen to yourself and love yourself!

You are aware of the constant stream of conversations going on inside you, in your head, in your mind. An endless monologue of thoughts. Whether the discussions are positive or destructive, you accept them either way. Why? Just because those are your thoughts? You blindly believe and trust them.

Decide who in your life deserves your attention and who doesn't. What is acceptable to you and what is not. Don't let someone be worthy of love and respect just because they are around you, and treat you badly, disrespect you, that way you will never be kind to yourself.

Fight with others, just so you don't have to face yourself.

Your mind controls you. You never actually realize that you've created a life out of pieces that maybe you never really wanted. With bits that you never chose, but got there because of other people, including your thoughts.

Why be your own worst enemy? Why not love each other instead? Embrace life. Do not believe in anything other than what you can immediately perceive and see.

Create your past in the present.

Wake up, stand up for yourself, believe only in yourself. Be you, don't let your mind and thoughts create your life. Don't be your own enemy! Be your best friend!

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