
This is life! Why go to work when you can make a fortune with just one post on Instagram!

We Wore What

Meet Danielle Bernstein, a 22-year-old blogger who gets paid $15,000+ per Instagram post! What's the trick? It's not that easy! Or is it? You just have to have a lot of followers, which this beauty blogger does not lack. Money is flowing to her from brands who want their product to be seen in her photo by her 1.2 million followers. The 'snap' and the sequins are here. If this is not life!

Well, that's life! While you go to work every day and serve hard-baked bread, Danielle Bernstein for publication on Instagram earns more than 15 thousand US dollars. Like many others fashion and beauty bloggers posts seemingly random snapshots of her life, and she laces the post with information on where to buy the dresses and other accessories from the picture. And that's that. If it is not the easiest money earned in the world!

Danielle Bernstein is an American blogger who is doing really well in life.
Danielle Bernstein is an American blogger who is doing really well in life.

What many of her followers don't know is that most of her posts are the result of negotiations with fashion and beauty brands who, for example, ask her not to include a competitor's product in the same clip or the current week. And they're willing to pay big bucks for it, and Danielle can extract more every day.

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For such hidden "ambassadors" of brands and theirs sponsored posts stamps are also deducted annually more than a billion dollars. You can follow Danielle Bernstein's posts on her Instagram profile We Wore What and the more you do, the more will line her pocket as she can charge even more to post.

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