
This is not a photo, but a picture drawn on the iPad

A strikingly realistic image of Morgan Freeman, isn't it? Let us remind you once again that this is not a photo, but a creation drawn on an iPad.

We can't believe it ourselves and keep doubting it all the time, despite the fact that we watched the video of the production. The author of the pictures is an artist Kyle Lambert from England, who chooses portraits of famous personalities for this type of artwork and spends about a month on it. In addition to Morgan Freeman, he also drew the singer Rihanna, David Beckham, Megane Fox... Lambert also revealed which application he uses, namely Procreate.

iPad Art - Morgan Freeman

iPad Art - Rihanna

iPad Art - David Beckham

iPad Art - Will Smith

iPad Art - Jennifer Aniston

iPad Art - Jude Law

iPad Art by Megan Fox

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