
This is proof that you are a night bird: your wits and strength double when it gets dark

Photo: envato

Do you prefer night to day? Do your best ideas come to you when you're lying in bed and happily doing things at night? If so, then you might be a night owl!

Who is the night bird? We often hear that the key to a successful and productive day is a good night's sleep and an early rise. However, they do exist people who find their energy and concentration most at night, as the world around them sinks into silence. These are the ones who wait for it to get dark and quiet so they can they start doing the work.

There are people who find inspiration and creativity precisely in the silence of the night. If you recognize yourself in these signs, you are probably a night owl - a person who comes alive and feels most alive when the daylight says goodbye and the night takes on its magical power.

You may have noticed that your energy starts to rise when the sun goes down, and you feel your mind is most flexible and your ideas clearest in the late hours.

Night birds have a unique way of perceiving the world. When most people fall asleep, their creativity, productivity and inspiration awaken. These quiet moments allow them to focus on their goals, work without distractions, and delve into their thoughts and projects. The night is their time to express, think and discover new possibilities.

Are you a night bird? Photo: Ron Lach / Pexels

7 signs you're a night owl

1. You don't like waking up early

You are a person who functions better late at night. Early mornings are not your favorite part of the day, and while many might label you lazy, you actually enjoy staying up late and sleeping until morning. That's when you feel your wits and strength double, allowing you to tap into your creativity and energy to the fullest.

2. You've always had trouble with morning activities

If you look back on your experience, you will notice that you are less efficient in the morning. Your grades or scores are worse early in the morning compared to what you get towards the end of the day. This is a common occurrence in "night birds". In the morning, you feel like your brain is working at half capacity, but somewhere towards the end of the work day, this barrier just lifts and disappears. Your thoughts become clear and you are able to think clearly.

3. You would prefer to work the night shift

For many people, the night shift is not the most attractive option because of the conflict with their daily schedule and social life. However, "night birds" prefer to work at night, because that's when they feel more focused and productive. They believe they can think more clearly and do their work more efficiently in the dark. For them, night work is an opportunity to use their unique skills.

Is the night your time for creativity? Photo: Zengxiao Lin/Unsplash

4. You get your best ideas after dark

It's interesting that the best ideas come to you after the work day is over. When there are no more distractions, whether at work or at home, you feel a surge of creativity and inspiration. If you have hobbies like writing, you may find that romance stories visit you in the wee hours of the night. Your perception is extremely sharp at sunset, allowing you to notice details that others may miss.

5. Constant need for caffeine

Whether you're drinking coffee, tea, or energy drinks, you're finding it hard to get rid of caffeine. While many people use caffeine to wake up their brains in the morning, "night birds" experience its benefits the most in the late hours. You are often seen clutching a cup of coffee or other stimulating drink to help keep you awake and energized through the night.

6. You are used to staying up until sunrise

When you're not busy with responsibilities like work, school, or social commitments, you'd rather stay up until sunrise. You may have experimented with a completely reversed schedule where you slept during the day and were awake at night. For you, dawn is the most beautiful part of the day, full of a sense of peace and excitement as you look ahead to the day ahead.

You enjoy peace and quiet. Photo: Cottonbro Studio / Pexels

7. You have a hard time falling asleep

If you often find it difficult to fall asleep, your thoughts are scattered, and you constantly have the feeling that sleep will bring you missed opportunities, you are probably a "night bird". While lying in bed, various ideas and solutions come to you, you feel a wave of enthusiasm. In such situations, it is best to get up, write down your thoughts and put them on paper. This relaxes your mind and helps you fall asleep. The next day you can focus on what you dreamed the night before.

If you identify as a night owl, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to find ways to balance your responsibilities throughout the day. This includes work commitments, household chores and family obligations. However, it is important to try find compromises and adjustments, such as finding a night shift job or organizing time off to take advantage of nighttime productivity. With this, you can balance your life and enjoy the unique advantages that your "nocturnal" nature brings.

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