
This is the Egyptian horoscope: do you know yours and what does your sign reveal about you?

The Egyptians once turned to the night sky for advice. They believed that the stars under which they were born influence our personality, life and destiny. Egyptian astrology greatly influenced modern astrology and there are some clear similarities between the two.

Although Egyptian astrology is still a matter of debate, what we know for sure is that each sign is based on a god or goddess. So depending on the date of birth we are assigned one deity.

The Egyptian year was divided into 28 periods assigned to different gods - To Hapi (god of the Nile), Amon-Raju (god of the Sun), Mute (wife of Amun, worshiped at Thebes), Geb (god of the underworld), to Osiris (god of death and resurrection), It comes out (goddess of motherhood), Toto (god of the moon, wisdom, art), Chorus (main god), Anubis (god of embalming and protector of the dead), Setu (god of violence, chaos and power), Bastet (goddess of fertility and protection from evil) and A sekmet (goddess of war).

Find out who your god or goddess is and find out what it says about you!


1.-7. January, 19-28 June, 1-7 September, 18-26 november

People born under the sign of the god Hapi are calm and avoid any conflicts. They are very good observers and have an analytical mind.

They suit Hapi best Amon-Ra and Seth.


8.-21. January, 1-11 February

If your sign is Amon-Ra, then you are influenced by the king of the gods himself! This makes you optimistic and a born leader. You often impress the people around you with your behavior and actions.

Amon-Raj suits them best Hapi and Horus.


22-31 January, 8-22 September

In Egyptian mythology, Mut symbolizes the "mother of the world". People born under this sign are often timid. But when we get to know them better, it is clear how much wisdom and generosity they have inside. They know what they want and achieve their goal with charm, patience and logic.

Mut suits best Amon-Ra and Thoth.


12-29 February, 20-31 August

People born under the sign of Geb have good intuition and a big heart - because of this, they are often too emotional. They never forget anything and constantly think about the consequences before taking action. They are known as reliable friends and love nature.

They suit Geb best Set and Horus.

The Egyptians once turned to the night sky for advice.
The Egyptians once turned to the night sky for advice.


1.-10. March, November 27 - December 18

People born in Osiris are confident and live for the "here and now". They think of themselves first, which doesn't mean they don't let others tell them what they think. They are very independent and impress with their charisma and intelligence.

They suit Osiris best Isis and Tot.

It comes out

11.-31. March, 18-29 October, 19-31 December

If you were born under the sign of Isis, then you are an uncomplicated and sociable person. You are highly valued as a friend and colleague. You have a good sense of humor and are very romantic.

The two outcomes are the most appropriate Osiris and Thoth.


1.-19. April, 8-17 november

Everyone born under the sign of Tota communicates very well with the people around them and solves problems quickly. They are very ambitious and eager for knowledge. They can subjugate everyone around them - this is their key to success.

They suit Tuto best Bastet and Isis.


April 20 – May 8, 12–19 August

Those born under the Horus sign are very brave and ready to take risks. They are charismatic, strong-willed and very stubborn. They will do anything - possible and impossible - for their family and the people they love.

They suit Horus best Bastet and Geb.

Egyptian gods
Egyptian gods


9-27 May, June 29 - July 13

People born under the sign of Anubis are very creative, kind and sensitive. They prefer to work alone. Their great blessings are that they are very observant and often read the secret signals sent by the people around them.

They suit Anubis best Bastet and Isis.


May 28 - June 18, September 28 - October 2

In Egyptian mythology, Set is known as the god of chaos. Therefore, it is not surprising that people born under this sign strive for constant change. They enjoy being the center of attention and love anything to do with adventure.

They fit the set best Geb and Hapi.


14-28 July, 23-27 September, 3-17 October

If your sign is Bastet, then you are not very resistant to stress. You long for peace and balance. Therefore, you like to surround yourself with pleasant, beautiful and mysterious things. You have an intuition like no other!

Bastet suits best Sekmet and Horus.

A sekmet

July 29 - August 11, October 30 - November 7

Those born under the sign of Sekmet are perfectionists who have a strong sense of justice. They see something good even in great problems and obstacles. They are ready for anything for honor and pride!

Sekmet is the best fit Bastet and Geb.

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