
This is the fastest intelligence test in the world: what do you see?

There are several tests and surveys designed to test your IQ, but this one is undoubtedly the quickest and easiest. Check it out for yourself!

University of Rochester researchers have developed intelligence test, which works based on our vision.
A simple exercise does the trick unconscious brain capacity – this is visual motion filtering. Turns out it is better movement perception associated with intelligence.
All you have to do is study the in which direction the lines are moving on the recording - to the left or to the right.

The results showed that people with a higher IQ determined more quickly, in which direction the lines move in the smaller picture. Among other things, this confirmed the previous research that more intelligent people they perceive faster and have faster reflexes. But things change a bit when it comes to the bigger picture. Namely, there were people with a higher IQ slightly slower when detecting movement in a larger image. This counterintuitive inability to perceive large moving images is indeed an indicator of the brain's ability to suppresses background motion. In most cases, this movement is less important than small moving objects that are close by.

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